Monday, September 6, 2010

10 Essential Chrome Extentions for Web Developers

Source: Mashable: The Social Media Guide, by: Samuel Axon

This article introduces extensions supported in Chrome and some tools that can be used in Firefox. The extensions might enable people to use Chrome as the main workhorse.

  • Firebug Lite: To inspect a page for errors then quickly edit to fix them.
  • Tab: To open any website in a tab that's actually running Internet Explorer instead of Chrome.
  • Eye Dropper: To give useful information on any color on a website you're viewing in Chrome.
  • Chrome SEO: To give information which is important for search engine optimization.
  • Lorem Ipsum Generator: To generate filler text for your websites.
  • Resolution Test: To help you make sure the site's formatting looks ok to users.
  • Speed Tracer: To record how much time your web application is spending on various tasks.
  • Measure It: To give dimensions of any element present in a website you're looking at.
  • Pendule: To help web developers with well-laid-out control panel full of miscellaneous tasks like viewing source, script validators, a color picker, etc.
  • Built with: To give a profile of the website you are hanging out at. A list of the technologies (such as widget, analytics tracker, frameworks) is included.
These sophisticated tools encourage me to quickly change my Firefox to Google Chrome :)

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